This blog is dedicated to swimming upstream. I struggled with the title of it for a while...well, okay, I lie. I had the idea of calling it "salmon fresh" since relatively early on, and I even doodled some cute logos in my Anthro notes before I decided to stick with it. It took some convincing to get me to really commit (something I SUCK at, of course) to the name. I's really weird. Good weird? Who knows. And did I really want a blog to be named after a fish, of all things?
Ultimately I'm pretty satisfied with it. Now that I've made the decision there's no looking back and I'm not really inclined to, anyway. I was impatient to get this up and running, because in typical fashion, I have lists upon lists of things that I want to write about and post on this blog. And what's in a name, anyway, right?
Actually, in this case, quite a lot. One of my favorite quotes is "only dead fish swim with the current." Now, I don't know if this is true or not, because I'm 98% sure that fish usually do swim with the current. I mean, when nature's just helping you out like that, what are you supposed to do? But then I thought of salmon and how they swim upstream, no matter what the struggle is. Granted, it IS for sex, but that's beside the point. SALMON ARE DIFFERENT!
Plus I kind of liked that salmon is also a shade of pink. A reference to color, nudging my blog into the fashion realm perhaps? I do plan to discuss clothing quite a bit, among other things.
And the fresh part...well, I was not about to name my blog "salmon" and just leave it at that. My goal with this blog is to shoot for something new, express anything and everything that runs through my mind, and praise those who swim against the current. It's going to be less introspective than a personal blog, and instead speculate about the people and places around me. In a world as commercialized and homogenous as ours can be, the individuals who learn how to be themselves and stand out in a crowd are truly the ones that fascinate me the most.
So here's to...salmon fresh.