Today I wore three different kinds of eyeliner. It was that kind of day.
I haven't slept earlier than 3:30 for the past five days. The result is evident and taxing: I woke up today with bloodshot and squinty eyes, as well as a stress pimple that looks like it could be a lip piercing. It doesn't make me feel as badass as a lip piercing would, so it gave me a lot of grievance. Anyway, a hot shower did nothing to relieve this intense pot smoker appearance so I resorted to the trusty makeup bag.
I'm not one to wear much makeup...and even on regular days I feel like I wear too much eyeliner. It's kind of an addiction...I just can't stop.
But anyway, what I tried today may well be a replacement for my usual black and more black. A thin line of black on the top with a slight upwards wing, brown on the bottom outer corners, and silver on the bottom inside corners. I've heard white/silver on the inside of your eyes is supposed to make you look more awake and this may turn into my new favorite technique.
As for the pimple...I don't even own concealer, much less understand how to apply it, so I made a brave face and set foot into the world, zit and all. It happens, people...zit happens. (WOW that was lame, I'm stopping now, I promise.)
Tomorrow I'm having a home-cooked dinner with a friend I recently met. I'm really excited, because 1. she seems really interesting and unique, and 2. she wants to be a fashion writer. (!!!)
She wrote on my wall: "do you mind eating in though, i'm poor haha i can bring spaghetti"
How appropriate...and so begins our ventures into the world as starving writers. Sooner or later we won't be able to afford spaghetti! Stay tuned.
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